--==GalacticPolitician ==--

EZBoard Name- GalacticPolitician
AOL AIM Screen name- GC TrebulisKOV

Character's Name- Trebulis-Kov (-treb-yue[you]-liss) (Kov)
Character's Nick Name- Kov
Character's Age- N/A
Character's Role- The Supreme(Grand) Chancellor of Grandor city, and The Council Of The Worlds.

Character Bio:

Trebulis-Kov was born on the planet Malastare, in the prime city of Covenkk. He was raised mainly
by his father, Desven-Koy. His father was a senator of Malastare, and was among many political
luminaries such as Mon Mothma, Sio Bibble, Artes Valorum, and Ortano Elek'Fu. Trebulis-Kov
learned most politics from his father who taught him well. At an early age, Trebulis-Kov became a
diplomat at his father's side. With an increasing population of this "rumored Imperial force," many
Malastare inhabitants demanded that the oligarchy find out what was happening. Trebulis-Kov
witnessed, along with many, the birth of the Galactic Empire. With the diplomacy between planets
withering like a dying flower, diplomats and politicians labored to regain power over the Galactic
Republic. By this time, planets on the Outer Rim, were aligning themselves with the Galactic
Empire. The Galactic Republic was crushed. The foundation of each political tower fell piece
by piece, making the Republic fall in on itself.

In this time of political chaos, Desven-Koy made a deal with a diplomat from Quermia. This deal
was to forge a small treaty with a growing resistance force known simply as the Rebellion. The
diplomat betrayed him, and Trebulis-Kov's father was soon informed that a powerful criminal
genius known as Okis'La Fabba Hutt had placed a bounty on his head. Several days later,
Desven-Koy was killed by P9-NO2, an elite bounty hunter droid. Trebulis-Kov did not mourn for
his father's death, but instead was filled with thoughs of power and supremacy. Trebulis-Kov
vowed to become one of the most power Chancellors in the Galaxy. Trebulis-Kov became a founder
of a large Senate, comparable to the Galactic Senate established in the past. His goal was to unite
the worlds together, once again, to eliminate the threat of anarchaic status in the Galaxy. It was not
going to be an easy task, removing the grip of the Empire over the galaxy, but it was something that
needed to be done. Using his advance political skills, and impervious intelligence (quoted to have an
IQ of 4360), Trebulis-Kov would join with the Rebellion, the only way he knows how...Power and
Supremacy within his reputation.