--==Dynamite Dave Mahkrieg==--

Board Name: Dynamite Dave Mahkrieg
Real Name: Dave Mahkrieg
AIM name: DynamiteDHC1

Character’s Name: Mysteeth Sarin
Character’s Nick Name: Mysteeth
Character’s Age: 20
Character’s Role: Future agent of G.E.O (specializing in covert-ops and slicing skills)
Character’s Race: Zabrak

Character’s Bio:

If you think growing up on the harsh Zabrak homeworld of Iridonia is rough,
try growing up aboard Imperial ships until your 17. That is what
Mysteeth did. His dad was a high ranking imperial officer, serving the Emperor
until the day he died. His mom disappeared when he was little, he doesn’t
remember a lot about her. Mysteeth’s father knew his son was going to
be a great warrior and would one day grow up to serve the Empire. His dad
started training him aboard the Imperial ships, he taught him everything he
knew, and he knew a lot. Mysteeth knew one day he would become one of the
most powerful men in the universe. Since his clan of Zabrak had put out such
evil people the like his dad, and years ago, Darth Maul.
One day after he was done training he over heard his father talking with
none other than Darth Vader. “I fear the boy could over power us some
day, he improves at a most rapid pace, dispose of him, like you did the
woman when we found out she showed sympathy to the rebels, or i will dispose
of both of you myself” “Yes, sir”

Mysteeth had heard every word, their ship was landing on Naboo, and
his dad said they were going to go search for rebel bases together, he knew
what was really about to take place, he had to stop it. When he had his back
turned to his dad, his dad brought out his blaster, Mysteeth turned around and
had a blaster in his face, he quickly dis-armed his dad with a move he had
taught him himself, he then tried to shoot his dad, but he escaped the
shot and ran for his ship. He has abandoned his own son, for the empire. It
was that day that he decided he would do everything he could to stop his
dad, and the Imperials.

As he went from city to city in Naboo, he learned a lot about Imperial
bases there, he perfected his slicing skills but to this day is still
learning. Oh, and his plan for vengeance didn’t turn out the way he had
hoped, rumor has it his dad died on the death star. “Good ridens”